Wayzata World Factbook 1995
World Factbook - 1995 Edition - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Syria - Consular Information Sheet
October 5, 1993
Country Description: The Syrian Arab Republic has a developing, mixed-
sector economy. The ruling Ba'th party espouses a largely secular ideology,
but Islamic traditions and beliefs provide a conservative foundation for the
country's customs and practices. The constitution refers to Islamic
jurisprudence as a principal source of legislation, but the legal system
remains influenced by French practice. Tourist facilities are widely
available, but vary in quality depending on price and location. The work
week in Syria is Saturday through Thursday. The U.S. Embassy is open Sunday
through Thursday.
Entry Requirements: Passports and visas are required. Visas must be
obtained prior to arrival in Syria. Travelers who arrive without valid
Syrian visas will be denied entry by Syrian immigration officials.
According to the Syrian Foreign Ministry, an AIDS test is not required for
foreigners prior to arrival in Syria. However, tests are mandatory for
foreigners wishing to reside in Syria. A residence permit will not be
issued until the absence of the HIV virus has been determined. Foreigners
wishing to marry Syrian nationals must also be tested for HIV. Entry to
Syria is not granted to persons with passports showing an Israeli visa or
entry/exit stamps. For further entry information, travelers may contact the
Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic, 2215 Wyoming Ave. N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20008, tel. (202) 232-6313.
Medical Facilities: Basic modern medical care and medicines are available
in the principal cities of Syria, but not necessarily in outlying areas.
Doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health care
services. U.S. medical insurance is not always valid outside the United
States. Supplemental medical insurance with specific overseas coverage has
proved useful. The international travelers hotline at the Centers for
Disease Control, telephone (404) 332-4559, has additional useful health
Information on Crime: Crime is generally not a serious problem for
travelers in Syria. The loss or theft of a U.S. passport abroad should be
reported immediately to local police and the nearest U.S. embassy or
consulate. Useful information on safeguarding valuables, protecting
personal security, and other matters while traveling abroad is provided in
the Department of State pamphlets, "A Safe Trip Abroad" and "Tips for
Travelers to the Middle East and North Africa." They are available from the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
D.C. 20402.
Drug Penalties: U.S. citizens are subject to the laws and legal practices
of the country in which they travel. Penalties for possession of even small
amounts of illegal drugs for personal use, drug trafficking, or drug
smuggling are severe in Syria. In addition to steep fines, convicted
offenders can expect jail terms of three years to life for possession or
trafficking. Drug smuggling can be punishable by death.
Registration: U.S. citizens who register at the U.S. Embassy can obtain
updated information on travel and security within Syria.
Embassy Location: The U.S. Embassy in Damascus, Syria, is located in Abu
Roumaneh, Al-Mansur St. No. 2; P.O. Box 29. The telephone numbers are (963-
11) 333-2814, 771-4108, or 333-0788. The fax number is (963-11) 224-7938.
No. 93-257
This replaces the Consular Information Sheet for Syria dated August 31, 1993
to add information on the work week in Syria and the days the U.S. Embassy
is open for business, and to note new phone numbers for the U.S. Embassy.